Monday, March 31, 2008


The advertiser grabs the attention of the consumer by juxtaposing the parts of the male body. The slogan is "in an absolut world" and on the box in the picture it says "the perfect man".. this is an appeal towards humor because in an ideal world this would happen. This ad is very identifiable and is aimed at women. If I saw this ad I would probably first find it humorous, but in a way I think I would be attracted to the product in that it is presented as a thing that is perfect or could make the world perfect. It is idealized and this is an appeal towards power. Everyone wants to be in control of their life.

Consumer Culture and the Manufacturing Of Desire

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A new place that advertisers are placing ads are on social networking sites. On facebook when you log in there is a "mini feed" it will tell you the recent activities of your friends. Sometimes there will be "sponsored ads" or "sponsored links." I actually usually look at these because they are highlighted in a different color and tend to stand out. I know my student credit card was advertised on there, and that is what actually prompted me to get the credit card.