Monday, February 4, 2008

Media - The Extensions of Man Part 3

Media: mp3

Content: defines mp3 as "The file extension for MPEG Audio Layer-3, a set of standards for compressing and downloading audio files from the Internet." It uses a lossy compression algorithm that is designed to reduce the amount of data required to represent audio recordings. These recordings sound just as good to the average person.

Message: This type of file allows for the fairly easy transfer of an audio file from computer to computer. With the invention of the mp3 there came to creation of file sharing websites such as Napster (originally) and now other websites such as Kazaa, Ares, Limewire, and others. These websites allow one person to download music onto their computer from another persons computer. This type of transfer became illegal because of copy right infringement. People illegally downloading music has caused the music industry to suffer a bit economically. It also perhaps spread the message that piracy is moral. For instance many people of my generation believe that there is nothing wrong with downloading a song from the internet for free. This is because they don't really see it as stealing. However with stricter laws many people now download songs from legal programs, such as iTUNES where songs cost 99 cents per download. While the music business has perhaps been harmed by illegal downloading this same type of downloading has done a lot to help musicians gain success. Many musicians will increase their popularity after their music is distributed freely over the internet. Also people have the opportunity to be exposed to a more wide variety of music that they may not have had access to otherwise. In addition to these social changes, mp3 players have become very popular. CDs are becoming a thing of the past when thousands of songs can easily fit onto one small hand held device that can be carried around, such as an iPOD. There fore CD stores are not frequented as much as say the iTUNES e-store. The creation of mp3s has not only changed the music industry but it also has changed other industries. Many cars are now equipped with plug-ins for mp3 players or voice synchronization to have hands free use of mp3 players. Also there have been inventions of protective covers to allow you to bring mp3 players into pools and showers. Mp3 players have really revolutionized the amount of music that people can have at almost any place any time.

These social changes can be seen as a negative impact with the increased amount of piracy, but also positive because the ability to include music more easily into a life style can have many benefits to both mental and physical health.

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